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Rabu, 06 September 2017

Contoh essai tentang Teknik Elektro dalam Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh essai tentang program studi Teknik Elektro di ITS dalam bahasa inggris

Text Box: Aditya Firman Baktiar
Departemen Teknik Elektro

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is one of technical sciences about electrical application to fulfill the human necessaries. Electrical engineering consist of concept, planning, development, and the production of electrical equipment which is needed by the society. An electrical engineer hold an important parts in developing and improving a high technology in communication, energy and other application in electrical and electronical appliances. They also work together with others engineer such as chemical engineer, mechanical engineer, and civil engineer to design, to develop, and helps many kind of products and services like energy distribution system, computer, satellite, radio, electric car, and many others which involved electric and electronic components. In many university, electrical engineering diviede into high current and low current. High current learned about electric high current (electricity). Then low current learned about electric low current like telecomunication, computer, and controlled electrical. The electrical engineer graduation can work in many industrial sector, like power, transmission, electrical distribution, design industry, the prodution of electic components, and many industry which consist of electric mechanical, instrumentation, controlled system, central computer, and netwoeking, BUMN, telecomunication service industry,telecomunication instrument industry,  consument electronical industry, mining, etc. The electrical engineer graduation usually became aNetwork Planner/Engineer, Telecomunication Software Engineer, designer and impelentator of software and hardware/internet, consultant in many industry which used telecomnication and internet, information system manager/ information technology, product development manager and telecomunication and information service, etc. One of universities which has eletrical engineer department is Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The electrical engineering department of ITS was build in 1960 and get A score in their accreditation from BAN-PT. Their student was directed to have a basic  competences in electrical technology, communication and information, and one of these five skills. There are electonic, system control, power system multimedia telecommuniation, computer and telematic. The graduation student of eletcrical engineer deparment in needed in every sector, especially energy and ICT. More than 50 percents graduation was recruited by some company before their graduation, or 87 percents of the graduation was worked after six month of their graduation. Except the regular program, electrical engineer department of ITS also have a double degree program with Fontys, Belanda, Double Degree S2 with Darmstadt, Jerman, dan Double Degree S3 with NTUST, Taiwan.

Sekian contoh essai tentang teknik elektro dalam bahasa inggris, mohon maaf bila masih terdapat banyak kesalahan... 

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh